Sarah Redmond

BrushKing® Can Help You Maintain Your Banana Plantation

Maintaining your banana plantation is essential for the growth and overall health of your banana trees. Banana trees are prone to damage and pests, like nematodes, which rot the plant and the fruit it produces, so it is vital to regularly prune them. BrushKing® manufacturers tools like shearing knives, pruners, and hand saws that can aid in the maintenance process of your banana plantation. Read on to learn more about how BrushKing® can help you maintain your banana trees.

BrushKing® Supports the Vineyard Industry

BrushKing® supplies wineries with various landscaping tools, including pruners and hand saws....

Need a Wire Rope Sheave Fast?

Are you in need of a pulley or sheave? QSheaves™ has you covered! QSheaves™ offers high-quality,...

BrushKing® for the Farming Industry

Farming is a large and diverse industry that requires a variety of tools. BrushKing® supports the...

Are Cast Nylon Sheaves Replacing Traditional Sheaves?

For years, cast nylon sheaves have replaced traditional steel and aluminum sheaves in cranes,...

How to Order eSheaves and Where You Can Find Them

eSheaves offers a variety of sheaves and pulleys that can accommodate any of your applicational...

BrushKing® and the History of our Shearing Knives

BrushKing® was founded by Gus Loos in the mid-1980s. While traveling in Germany, Loos came across a...

How BrushKing® Supports Landscapers

Landscaping is a job that requires a variety of high-quality tools. BrushKing® is proud to support...

eSheaves Materials and Applications

eSheaves is an engineering firm that takes your technical requirements for wire rope sheaves and...

BrushKing Saws, Perfect for Any Industry

BrushKing® has a wide array of saws to choose from. We offer pole saws, perfect for getting those...