Why Choosing High Quality Fitness Cable Makes a Difference

When it comes to fitness cable for exercise equipment, many believe that any cable of the correct size will be a great option for the equipment.

When it comes to fitness cable for exercise equipment, many believe that any cable of the correct size will be a great option for the equipment. It is true that a correctly sized cable will work in your equipment, it does not mean that you can choose any cable. Choosing a low-quality cable comes with many downsides that become evident after multiple uses. In today’s blog we will be looking at three reasons why it is important to choose high-quality fitness cable for fitness equipment.


One of the main reasons we recommend purchasing high-quality fitness cables are because of their increased longevity. Cheap cables are often flimsy and after multiple uses will begin to either fray or break. A durably made cable will last you longer and actually save you money over an extended period of time as the cables will not constantly need replacing.

Workout Experience:

Buying cheap cables can feel uncomfortable and rough for users which significantly decreases the enjoyment of a workout experience. Good quality cables will feel smooth and provide flexibility that simply does not exist in cheaper cables. Your workouts will become much more enjoyable when your cable matches the top-quality of your exercise machines.


Poor quality cables have a high likelihood of snapping when under intense pressure, something that is extremely dangerous wen heavy weights on fitness equipment are involved. Having weak cables is a potential life-threatening hazard for those operating pull-down machines. Bad quality cables can also cause injury by snapping during a strenuous lift. Having well-built cables provide a safer environment and reduces cable fraying.

Now that we have outlined the importance of choosing high-quality fitness cables for your exercise equipment, you will need a trusted cable supplier. At Loos and Company we offer EXERFLEXPRO® fitness cable that is manufactured to the highest of standards and is reliable, safe, and durable. Find out more about our fitness cable on our website here. Alternatively, our team is happy to help if you have any questions! Reach out to us by email at sales@loosco.com or by phone at (860) 928-7981.


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