Common Questions About Jacketed Cable Diameters

Loos & Company FAQ's: Inner and Outer diameter measures of Coated and Jacketed Cable.

Coated Cable

Being the industry leader in high quality jacketed aircraft cables and wire ropes for, we have many customers call asking for these products, often providing us only part of the information we need to provide a quotation. For example, we’ll often get asked for “3/16 black nylon jacketed cable”. Our responses to this inquiry include:

-Inner Diameter or Outer Diameter?

-Is that the size of the bare cable or the cable after the jacket?

-What construction cable are you looking for?

Why is this information important?  Shouldn’t we know what the customer wants? We ask these questions because there are nearly limitless combinations of constructions, bare, and jacketed sizes that fall under the example of a 3/16” designation. Two cables that have OD's of 3/16" could have different size inner cables. The inner cable is the strength member of the jacketed cable and the breaking strength of these cables could be thousands of pounds apart. This is where knowing what your inner and outer diameter comes in handy. In order to determine the exact cable a customer requires, we need to know the diameter of the bare cable, the diameter after the jacket is applied, the color of the jacket, and the construction of the cable. This will ensure that you receive the cable with that meets your requirements!

We stock many sizes and construction of jacketed cable, so chances are that we have what you are looking for ready to be cut and shipped.  As you can see, knowing the cable size before and after jacket makes a big difference when it comes to providing a quick and accurate quotation! If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to Contact a Product Manager, and they will be able to assist you with your wire, cable, cable assembly and wire rope needs!

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