Reflexlite®: A Shining Example of Wire Rope Safety

Wire rope is, at its core, a safety product. Loos & Company Reflexlite® increases safety and visibility with its reflective properties.

Loos & Company ReflexliteLoos ReflexliteWire rope is, at its core, a safety product. Whether lifting, pulling, or securing a load, the strength and flexibility of wire rope makes it a superior choice when you need to protect lives and assets.

Loos & Company has combined the mechanical properties of wire rope with the added safety of light reflective plastic coating to make Reflexlite®, a safety product that provides a visual barrier for outlining hazards in any application.

Reflexlite® is designed to enhance low light or night time visibility where delineation is needed to see hazardous objects or situations. A 1/8” wide strip of reflective material creates a brilliant series of silver-white dashes reflected directly back to a light source, and can be seen from a distance of several hundred feet. Applications Reflexlitefor Reflexlite® include tower guy wires, roadside guardrails, barricades, mine safety lighting, and any other application that will benefit from a visual alert to the presence of a hazard.

Reflexlite® is available in several size and color combinations. If you are interested in learning more, contact a Loos & Company Product Manager and we’ll provide you with additional product information to assist in your design.

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