Loos and Company Blog

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Loos and Company has over 50 years of experience in the wire and cable industry. With our knowledge and experience, we can offer the highest quality products available on the market. Our general product lines and capabilities are listed above. As a manufacturer we can provide customized products for any application. If you have any questions or wish to learn more about our products and capabilities, visit our product specific pages or contact us.

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Loos HotWire: LoosCo.com's Blog

SAFETY FIRST! More than a motto, a Loos & Company way of life!

Sep 10, 2013 09:34 AM

At Loos & Company, we have a simple guiding principle when it comes to the manufacture of wire, cable, wire rope, and cable assemblies: Safety First! Anyone familiar with manufacturing knows how important it is to keep safety at the forefront.

Being a family company where employees mean everything, we constantly do whatever it takes to ensure our people stay safe and healthy. That is why we formed our Safety Committee, comprised of interdepartmental members from every aspect of our business. Their goal is simple - identify any potential hazards and fix them immediately. Their regular meetings, and diligence, help ensure that drawing wire and stranding cable are done safely.

safetycomitteeEach month, our safety committee publishes a comprehensive newsletter detailing new safety programs and initiatives, as well as informs employees of general safety tips relating to activities both in and out of the workplace.

Did you know that you increase the probability of a back injury by twisting while lifting?

Or that your children should never carry a backpack that weighs more than 20% of their weight?

You'd know it if you work at Loos & Company.

Around here, our employee health and safety always comes first.

To learn more about safety, and our other Loos Initiatives, visit us at www.loosco.com or Contact a Product Manager.

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