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Loos HotWire: LoosCo.com's Blog

Knitted Wire Mesh: FAQ's, Materials and Applications

Mar 21, 2013 09:08 AM

The Loos & Company Wire Division has recently added the ability to manufacture Knitted Wire Mesh Products. We’ve updated our website to show our current capabilities, and started to advertise our products to knitted wire mesh users. At the HotWire, we’re very proud of the effort put in by our production, sales, and marketing teams to launch this new product.  So to support their efforts, this week we’re bringing you a primer on the new Knitted Wire Mesh line of products from Loos & Company.

Knitted Wire mesh


Knitted Wire Mesh

Stainless Knitteed Wire MeshWhat is Knitted Wire Mesh? Knitted wire mesh is a metal wire strand knitted into a mesh structure in very much the same way as stockings or sweaters. Knitting wire produces a mesh of interlocking loops that can move relative to each other in the same plane without distorting the mesh, giving knitted mesh a two-way stretch characteristic.

From a functional point of view, it is this flexibility that gives knitted mesh its unique advantages for industrial uses.


Common Knitted Wire Mesh Forms

Crimped Knitted Wire Mesh is a processed knitted wire mesh product used to create compressed units for filtration, shock mounts and flame arrestors. The mesh can be formed via two methods: 1. pulling through a custom made die to compress the material, or 2. running the mesh through calendaring rollers to create a continuous strip of compressed mesh. The finished product is available in densities (% metal by volume) ranging from 10% to 70%, depending on the performance needs of your application

Shaped Knitted Wire MeshShaped Knitted Wire Mesh uses the natural resiliency of the material to maintain a desired shape in your application. Because each loop acts as a small spring when subjected to tensile or compressive stress, knitted metal has an inherent resiliency. If it’s not distorted beyond its yield point, the material will resume its original shape when the stress is removed. Even when it’s compressed into a special shape, a high degree of resiliency is retained. Varying the knitted structure, wire diameter, wire material and forming pressure used to create the part can control this characteristic.


Common Knitted Wire Mesh Applications

•       Exhaust Dampeners
Knitted Wire Mesh Gasket
•       Seals and Gaskets
•       Flex-Joints
•       Chemical Separation
•       EMI/RFI Shielding


Commonly Knitted Wire Mesh Materials

•             Stainless Steel
•             Aluminum
•             Copper
•             Tinned Copper
•             Inconel 600
•             Monel 400
•             Hastelloy c-276
•             Tungsten
•             Phosphor Bronze, 507, 510
•             Tantalum
•             Platinum
•             Gold Alloy
•             Gold Plated Copper
•             Silver Plated Copper
•             Silver Plated Brass

 Knitted Wire Mesh Manufacturer

If you have questions about Knitted Wire Mesh, or any of Loos & Company’s products, we’d love to hear from you. Contact a product manager or fill out our inquiry form and we will be happy to help you find the wire or cable product that meets your needs!