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Loos HotWire: LoosCo.com's Blog

Winner of the EXERFLEXPRO® Fitness Cable Survey!

Apr 25, 2011 08:39 AM

Exerflex Pro Shadow resized 600

We would like to begin by thanking all of the respondents to our EXERFLEXPRO® Fitness Cable Survey. Here at Loos & Company, we consistently work diligently to ensure that our products and service are the best in class, and the results from this survey will surely help us continue with this tradition. With that, we would like to congratulate our winner:

Red shadow

Black Exerflex Shadow


Frank Giannone from FITNESSMITH!

As winner of the drawing, Frank now finds himself $50 richer on the iTunes Marketplace. Over here at Loos & Company, we are not sure what kind of music Frank listens to, but we are positive that he will be able to download a whole bunch of it for free! So, once again, Thank You to all of our respondents, and for more information on EXERFLEXPRO® Fitness Cable, please visit us at our EXERFLEXPRO® Fitness Cable Webpage or Download our Fitness Brochure on the Loos & Company Catalogs Page.