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Loos and Company has over 50 years of experience in the wire and cable industry. With our knowledge and experience, we can offer the highest quality products available on the market. Our general product lines and capabilities are listed above. As a manufacturer we can provide customized products for any application. If you have any questions or wish to learn more about our products and capabilities, visit our product specific pages or contact us.

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Loos HotWire: LoosCo.com's Blog

Exerflex Pro at CAN-FIT-PRO 2010

Aug 20, 2010 08:40 AM

August 13th & 14thCanfitpro

Toronto, ON

Loosco attended the 2010 Can-Fit-Pro fitness show held at the Toronto Convention Center in the shadow of the world famous CN Tower located in downtown Toronto. We worked alongside our Sales Representatives Clarence and Colin Brunet, and had the pleasure of meeting with many new customers. We noticed once again that people continued to have the same complaint about their equipment: it works perfectly for 2-3 years, and after replacement cables were clary freemotioninstalled, they only received 6 months of service (if that) before the jacket began to crack and the wires began to fray. Needless to say, customers were excited to learn about Exerflex Pro and what separates the industry leading product from the inexpensive replacement cables being used in the aftermarket. 

As with all of our fitness shows, we were present to inform manufacturers, exercise equipment repair companies, and facilities owners and managers that we are the Original Equipment Manufacturers for the aircraft cable used by the vast majority ofcanfitpro booth 2 Equipment companies. We hold that position because Exerflex Pro is the industry leader with over a decade of proven performance. We continued to spread the message that all aircraft cable is not created equal, and you can maximize equipment performance by using spares and replacement cable from the equipment manufacturer because these are made with Exerflex Pro.

Ask for the best by name. When repairing your exercise equipment you must request Exerflex Pro from the equipment manufacturer or certified repair facility. Contact a LoosCo product manager if you have any questions or would like to place an order.