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Loos HotWire: LoosCo.com's Blog

Gremlins on the Loos

Aug 09, 2010 09:26 PM

From Product Manger Deborah Covey:


Mike Wallace, V.P. Sales & Marketing, could not imagine that during a customer sales call that he would come across something like this.  We just had to include it on The Wire.

Gremlins on the Loos!The customer is McFarlane Aviation Products and the painted box is the work of Krista McClenahan, member of McFarlane’s production team. Krista’s artistic talent is self-taught through lots of practice, trial and error and what she called a “deep, life-long love and appreciation of art, and a very large amount of patience.” Indeed!

The inspiration for the painting started with the necessity to identify the container used to store, keep clean and feed the spooled Loosco cable used in McFarlane engine controls.  The idea to illustrate what might be found inside the box evolved in a brain-storming session from other employees working with Krista in the shop.

She said it was a great deal of fun to include some of the everyday parts and objects they see and work with on a regular basis.  She wanted to create something different and interesting to look at.  Krista’s artwork tends to include wildlife and nature, but she said this was a “nice, experimental departure.”

The title of this painting, “Gremlins on the Loos” could also have a deeper, hidden truth, especially when you cannot find those wire cutters!